Teacher’s FAQ’s

FAQ’s for Teachers

In order to teach English at INX Academy you need a Bachelor’s Degree and a TESOL Certification with a minimum of 120 hours.
INX Academy has quarterly professional development and also on demand training. With each you will receive a certification.
INX Academy and TESOL Training International are owned by INX Study Group LLC. This means that you can gain your TESOL Certification if needed or wanted.
The cost of the TESOL Certification for employees is $67.00 for Online Certification.
Yes, when a teacher starts working here they will receive course books, syllabi, and supplemental resources. We have an online shared lesson platform called SkyCampus with resources for all levels.
Teachers are paid every two weeks closing dates are the 5th and 20th of each month.
Yes, many teachers work additional hours as a sub and a few teachers work full-time.
Yes, teachers get three hours of planning pay a week and do not need to be at school during planning time.
Currently we are using InSeconds which is a custom made system for English Language schools.